Higdon contributes to digital marketing best-seller

Owensboro photographer and digital marketer Kate Higdon can add an accomplished author to her list of successes. She joined 27 other women to write and publish the best-seller “Dear Female Digital Entrepreneur.”
This book, structured in A-to-Z format, showcases how women harness their diverse skill sets to unlock each other from struggles, creating a ripple effect of empowerment.
In her chapter, Higdon shares how to grow your social media presence.
“Most people want to just focus on their content, their product or service, but if you don’t consistently focus on growing your audience, you have no one to present to and you could be speaking to the wrong people,” she said.
Higdon said she started diving into the digital space in 2020 when the shutdown of the world dramatically impacted her businesses and she needed a way to get in front of people and create new streams of income.
“I had no clue what I was doing but I just did it anyway. I like to say, ‘I did it messy,’” she said. “I made a lot of mistakes and learned so much. I started with just over 2,000 friends on Facebook and Instagram and built a following of over 750,000 followers across all my platforms.”
Higdon said social selling is about authenticity, knowing your audience, reliability, and trust.
She said the key elements in her chapter discuss knowing who you are speaking to, creating content that adds value to people’s lives, having a solid posting strategy that adds value and builds trust, and creates community.
“This book is created by women who are succeeding in this space and want to support other women looking for support,” she said. “It’s for women who want to learn how to jump into the online space and create a new stream of income and for women already utilizing digital marketing and want to learn new skills to take them closer to their goals.”
Higdon said she was not shocked that the book hit No. 1 as there are 27 online marketers who contributed.
“They are marketing ninjas and actually apply what they teach,” she said. “I’m so honored to be able to collaborate and learn from them.”
The book is currently only available on Amazon but an audio version is coming soon.
“I’m so excited and honored to be a part of this collaboration,” she said. “It’s pushed me forward into my next project which is a low-carb cookbook with accompanying mindset journal. I’ve learned so much over the past 8 years on my own health and wellness journey and it only seems natural to share that with other people who may be struggling like I once was.”