Regions Bank Clinches Double Win at 2024 Corporate Governance Awards

Regions Bank Clinches Double Win at 2024 Corporate Governance Awards

Regions Bank secured two major victories at the 2024 Corporate Governance Awards, winning Governance Team of the Year and Best Shareholder Engagement in the small- to mid-cap category. The awards ceremony, hosted by Governance Intelligence, brought together over 400 governance, risk, and compliance professionals.

The bank’s governance team was recognized for several key achievements, including a redesigned Proxy Statement, rebranded Shared Value Report, and robust shareholder engagement program. Chief Governance Officer Andrew Nix highlighted the team’s commitment to strong governance processes and meaningful shareholder conversations. The awards acknowledge Regions’ dedication to transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in corporate governance practices.

Regions Bank ha ottenuto due importanti vittorie ai Corporate Governance Awards 2024, aggiudicandosi il premio per la Governance Team of the Year e il premio per il Best Shareholder Engagement nella categoria delle piccole e medie imprese. La cerimonia di premiazione, ospitata da Governance Intelligence, ha riunito oltre 400 professionisti nel campo della governance, del rischio e della conformità.

Il team di governance della banca è stato riconosciuto per diversi traguardi chiave, tra cui un Proxy Statement riprogettato, un Shared Value Report rebrandizzato e un robusto programma di coinvolgimento degli azionisti. Il Chief Governance Officer Andrew Nix ha sottolineato l’impegno del team verso processi di governance solidi e conversazioni significative con gli azionisti. I premi riconoscono la dedizione di Regions alla trasparenza, alla responsabilità e al miglioramento continuo delle pratiche di governance aziendale.

Regions Bank logró dos importantes victorias en los Corporate Governance Awards 2024, ganando el premio a Governance Team of the Year y Best Shareholder Engagement en la categoría de pequeñas y medianas empresas. La ceremonia de premiación, organizada por Governance Intelligence, reunió a más de 400 profesionales en gobernanza, riesgo y cumplimiento.

El equipo de gobernanza del banco fue reconocido por varios logros clave, incluyendo un Proxy Statement rediseñado, un Shared Value Report rebranded y un sólido programa de compromiso de accionistas. El Chief Governance Officer Andrew Nix destacó el compromiso del equipo con procesos de gobernanza sólidos y conversaciones significativas con los accionistas. Los premios reconocen la dedicación de Regions a la transparencia, la responsabilidad y la mejora continua en las prácticas de gobernanza corporativa.

Regions Bank2024년 기업 거버넌스 어워드에서 두 가지 주요 승리를 거두었으며, 올해의 거버넌스 팀최우수 주주 참여 부문에서 중소기업 카테고리를 수상했습니다. Governance Intelligence가 주최한 시상식에는 400명 이상의 거버넌스, 위험 및 준수 전문 인사가 참석했습니다.

은행의 거버넌스 팀은 재설계된 Proxy Statement, 리브랜딩된 Shared Value Report, 그리고 강력한 주주 참여 프로그램 등 여러 주요 성과로 인정받았습니다. 최고 거버넌스 책임자 앤드류 닉스는 팀의 강력한 거버넌스 프로세스와 의미 있는 주주 대화에 대한 헌신을 강조했습니다. 이 상은 Regions의 투명성, 책임감 및 지속적인 기업 거버넌스 관행 개선에 대한 헌신을 인정합니다.

Regions Bank a remporté deux victoires majeures lors des Corporate Governance Awards 2024, remportant le prix de l’Équipe de Gouvernance de l’Année et le prix de la Meilleure Engagement des Actionnaires dans la catégorie des petites et moyennes entreprises. La cérémonie de remise des prix, organisée par Governance Intelligence, a réuni plus de 400 professionnels de la gouvernance, des risques et de la conformité.

L’équipe de gouvernance de la banque a été reconnue pour plusieurs réalisations clés, y compris un Proxy Statement redessiné, un Shared Value Report rebranding et un programme d’engagement des actionnaires robuste. Le Directeur de la Gouvernance, Andrew Nix, a souligné l’engagement de l’équipe envers des processus de gouvernance solides et des conversations significatives avec les actionnaires. Les prix reconnaissent le dévouement de Regions à la transparence, à la responsabilité et à l’amélioration continue des pratiques de gouvernance d’entreprise.

Regions Bank sicherte sich zwei wichtige Siege bei den Corporate Governance Awards 2024 und gewann die Auszeichnung für das Governance Team of the Year sowie die Auszeichnung für das Best Shareholder Engagement in der Kategorie der kleinen und mittelgroßen Unternehmen. Die Preisverleihung, die von Governance Intelligence veranstaltet wurde, brachte über 400 Fachleute für Governance, Risiko und Compliance zusammen.

Das Governance-Team der Bank wurde für mehrere wichtige Erfolge anerkannt, darunter eine neu gestaltete Proxy Statement, ein umbenannter Shared Value Report und ein robustes Programm zur Einbindung von Aktionären. Chief Governance Officer Andrew Nix hob das Engagement des Teams für starke Governance-Prozesse und bedeutungsvolle Gespräche mit Aktionären hervor. Die Auszeichnungen würdigen das Engagement von Regions für Transparenz, Verantwortung und kontinuierliche Verbesserung in den Praktiken der Unternehmensführung.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 18, 2024 / Regions Bank

By Candace Higginbotham | November 18, 2024

Awards season has officially kicked off and red carpets are being rolled out. And not just for the made-for-TV ceremonies you may be familiar with. Last week, more than 400 governance, risk and compliance (GRC) professionals from all industries gathered for the 2024 Corporate Governance Awards.

The awards are hosted each year by Governance Intelligence, a digital content company that provides a forum where governance experts and service providers can share their experience, insights and best practice recommendations on a wide range of critical issues. According to the group, the awards “celebrate the brightest minds and most pioneering organizations in GRC, recognizing those who set new standards of excellence, integrity, and innovation.”

Regions came home with two prestigious awards from the ceremony held in New York, Governance Team of the Year (small- to mid-cap) and Best Shareholder Engagement (small- to mid-cap).

“The team told a compelling story around advancing Regions’ shared value mission through transparency, accountability and continuous improvement,” said Tara Plimpton, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary.

“Big congratulations to Andrew Nix, Elizabeth Townsend, Mary Wheeler, Susan Anderson, Jessica Everest, Katie Loggins, Sharon Kachelhofer, and the extended Governance team, as well as Chris Lollar from SEC Reporting, Megan List from Total Rewards and their extended teams. And thanks to all the other Regions associates and partners involved in the effort, as it really does take a team.”

Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. Profitability is important, but truly successful companies must demonstrate good corporate citizenship through sound governance.

The Governance Team of the Year award recognizes the best overall governance team in the country and its notable achievements over the past 12 months. The Regions team was honored for specific accomplishments, including a fully redesigned Proxy Statement, a rebranded and in-house generated Shared Value Report, a robust and intentional shareholder engagement program, effective structure around compliance readiness and significant contributions to Board governance initiatives.

“I’m so proud of our team and this recognition of their hard work,” said Chief Governance Officer Andrew Nix. “We take great pride in prioritizing strong governance processes at Regions. And our success can be attributed to several factors – the knowledge, skill and talent of team members; their eagerness to continuously improve and be nimble in a rapidly evolving space; and most importantly, a really strong team culture.”

Nix also praised the team’s award for Best Shareholder Engagement. This category focuses on ways that companies reach out to proxy decision-makers.

“We are committed to constructive and meaningful conversations with our shareholders, which we use to build ongoing relationships over time,” Nix said. “Engaging with our shareholders and soliciting their points of view is critical to providing long-term value to all Regions stakeholders.”

Regions was a standout in this category because of the team’s proactive, intentional outreach throughout the year resulting in ongoing, meaningful dialogue. Balancing the interests of various stakeholder groups and the different viewpoints within those groups can be challenging, but Nix emphasized the value of understanding shareholders’ perspectives, and how engagement is critically important to ensuring that the bank remains aligned with shareholder interests.

“Our company’s mission is to make life better for our customers, associates, communities and shareholders, and the entire Regions organization works toward that goal every day,” Nix said. “I’m pleased that our team is doing our part by ensuring that Regions’ governance practices are responsible, fair and transparent.”

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SOURCE: Regions Bank

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What awards did Regions Bank (RF) win at the 2024 Corporate Governance Awards?

Regions Bank won two awards: Governance Team of the Year and Best Shareholder Engagement, both in the small- to mid-cap category at the 2024 Corporate Governance Awards.

What specific achievements led to Regions Bank (RF) winning Governance Team of the Year in 2024?

Regions Bank won for achievements including a redesigned Proxy Statement, rebranded Shared Value Report, robust shareholder engagement program, effective compliance readiness structure, and significant contributions to Board governance initiatives.

How does Regions Bank (RF) approach shareholder engagement according to the 2024 awards?

Regions Bank maintains proactive, year-round outreach with shareholders, focusing on constructive conversations and building long-term relationships to ensure alignment with shareholder interests.

Who hosted the 2024 Corporate Governance Awards where Regions Bank (RF) won?

The 2024 Corporate Governance Awards were hosted by Governance Intelligence, a digital content company that provides a forum for governance experts and service providers.


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