Creating a Plan and Strategy to Boost Your Newsletters

You can also read this story on Medium and my website community blogs when I publish soon and join the dialogue there. My aim is to integrate these two platforms with guest blogging capability to give a competitive advantage to our community members.
Dear Subscribers, Happy December! I hope this post finds you well. This month is very busy for me as I am helping our editors, updating all submission guidelines, and creating a new onboarding pack for 2025.
I will publish it soon as so many new writers have joined Medium and have no clue how this gigantic platform works. I am also helping them integrate Medium with Substack to get optimal results.
I will write a comprehensive newsletter about our November achievements and 2025 plan, with lots of exciting developments for our writers and readers. One of them is the Friends of ILLUMINATION initiative, which aims to empower our members.
Many of my proteges and students have shared that their new newsletters were more of a passion project than a growth or income-generation platform. Although I did not join Substack to earn income, I can empathize with their feelings.
After spending five years fully focused on Medium, neglecting other platforms, I changed my attention to Substack in 2024 with a new intention, strategy, and plan with advice from my wise mentors. I still love the Medium community and regularly contribute to and lead 15 publications to support around 34,000 writers and 200,000+ readers following my publications.
After a clear plan and strategy, I gained over 20,000 subscribers in just a few months and wrote a book to help hundreds of new writers start successfully on Substack. Some of them are now thriving, having learned how to integrate Medium with Substack from my recent book.
One of my proteges is
, who is a volunteer editor and curator for my Medium publications. He is a very hard-working and committed young guy, so he also serves as the media coordinator for our community, managing our Slack workspace, his Discord server, and community blogs on my website and YouTube channel.
Last month, Aiden asked me if he could use the content of my Substack Mastery book and embed the audio version into an interactive educational program. I was thrilled by this idea because I wrote this book to help freelance writers start their Substack journey and grow their audience with a clear plan and strategy.
I instantly agreed and gave him copies of my published book and the new unpublished advanced version due on 30 December 2024. Besides, Aiden was a beta reader and editor of my Substack Mastery book. So he understood every point clearly. He mentioned he would create another training program for the advanced version once the audio was ready.
I agreed without hesitation because I have known
for several years. He is a passionate and talented media consultant and a skilled creator of videos, audio content, and text. After reviewing his script for accuracy, he recorded 21 sections, which he plans to publish on various educational platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, Teachable, Podia, and others I covered in chapter 14 of my book.
It was a perfect combinatorial innovation!
The exciting part for our Substack community is that Aiden, as an altruistic person, permitted me to make this valuable interactive course available to my paid subscribers, with all proceeds going to our Substack Mastery Boost Pilot Program.
We launched this initiative in November 2024 and plan to complete it by December 2025. If successful, we aim to offer this program as a service to freelancers and content entrepreneurs looking to scale their writing businesses.
As a gesture of goodwill, Aiden agreed to share the Plan and Strategy video section with all my subscribers for free, hoping it can help thousands of you gain valuable insights into content marketing.
This video is just one section of Aiden’s 21-day course, which is designed to empower writers like you to enhance their newsletters. With his excellent sense of humor and attractive Australian accent, you may enjoy this interactive training program that educates you with minimal investment.
If you find value in this special video for planning and strategy, you will love the deeper exploration of 21 topics, including audience growth, monetization, marketing, and engagement in the full course.
Sit back, have a cup, and enjoy this 17-minute video. Please feel free to hit the reply button to leave comments or questions. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this special section, and I’ll gladly help you brainstorm your next move through my posts.
You may also watch the course introduction for free. It was posted by
on . Here is the link:
Several writers have started interviewing me about Substack. Recently, I made time for two of them: One (by
) and another (by ). I believe you might gain some valuable insights from those interviews.
Thank you for subscribing and sharing my publication so that more people can benefit from my insights and experiences. Now, 25K+ freelancers have free access to educational Content Marketing Insights publication, which is top #24 in the Subtack Education section out of hundreds of publications.
Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.
Here are the links to free chapters of the Substack Mastery book for readers on Medium: Preface of “Substack Mastery” for Beta Readers, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19… Audio links of the Substack Mastery are here.
Based on beta readers’ feedback and massive demand from the community members, I also authored a new book for advanced freelance writers and content entrepreneurs titled A Powerful Toolkit for Advanced Substack Mastery. It will be published on 31 December 2024 in many online bookstores as an ebook, paperback, and audio. It is available for pre-order now.
I will share each chapter on Content Strategy, Development, & Marketing Insights and discuss them with the participants. Thank you for being a beta reader.