Master of Arts in Marketing Communication

Master of Arts in Marketing Communication

Marketing Communication Learning Outcomes

1. Conceptual Thinking Skills
     1. Generate original ideas and solutions through multiple ideation processes that create high-interest content and high-impact consumer experiences.
     2. Connect diverse and seemingly separate elements, discovered through empathetic research, to create something new.
     3. Leverage evolutionary thinking to identify trends and opportunities to deliver communication objectives.
     4. Design and execute projects with both traditional and digital media utilizing appropriate aesthetic choices and software applications.

2. Strategic Thinking Skills
     1. Utilize symphonic thinking to summarize communications problem(s) based on information gathered from multiple sources.
     2. Identify, observe, gather, assess, and record relevant information, by methods appropriate to the communications profession, for a brand story/message that displays empathy for audience
     3. Apply strategic elements of communications, both traditional and digital mediums, focused on audience engagement.
     4. Create media-rich communications plans that utilize goals, strategies, tactics approach to achieve objectives.
     5. Develop appropriate measures/analytics to determine effectiveness of strategies.
     6. Judge the effectiveness of primary data, secondary data and campaign performance measures/analytics and apply the meaning of the data in context to overall campaign objectives.  

3. Visual & Written Communication Skills
     1. Create sensory (high touch) consumer experiences across all major consumer touch points.
     2. Communicate concepts and ideas for a campaign using industry terminology, both verbally and in writing
     3. Visualize story/message ideas that displays empathy for target audiences. 
     4. Design, format and distribute content across all major media platforms with sensitivity to basic design principles
     5. Demonstrate an understanding of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and other forms of diversity in relation to mediated messages

4. Professional Readiness
     1. Clearly and confidently present and defend a communications plan before a panel of professionals
     2. Critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy, fairness and clarity
     3. Demonstrate mastery of written and verbal persuasive communication skills using appropriate style and grammatical correctness
     4. Submit work according to professional presentation standards using appropriate tools and technologies for communication professions.
     5. Demonstrate and uphold professional ethical principles in communications conduct in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity in a free press environment.



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